St. Thomas More

I learned of Saint Thomas More at this year's Red Mass. More was a counselor to King Henry VIII and refused to acknowledge the King as leader of the Church of England, keeping his allegiance first to God (and the Pope) and also to King and Country.

As a result, More was tried and executed at the Tower of London for treason. The 1966 movie, "The Man for all Seasons," portrayed his trial and a clip is available from

As the patron saint of lawyers, the following prayer was inspired by St. Thomas More:
"Lord, grant that I may be able in argument,
accurate in analysis,
strict in study,
candid with clients,
and honest with adversaries.
Sit with me at my desk
and listen with me to my client's plaints,
read with me in my library,
and stand beside me in court,
so that today I shall not,
in order to win a point
lose my soul."