Feb 28 - Apr 4: Most of My Lenten Lunches

First, I didn't really blog at all during March. Not here or on my other blogs. Maybe I should have given up blogging for Lent? 

But I gave up lunches out and, for the most part, I've done quite well. For the most part? Well, I'm not perfect. But my deviations are, in a sense, justified under the circumstances. On one occasion, my office had a firm lunch for which I could not excuse myself. On two occasions, I had continuing education requirements that included boxed lunches. On one occasion, a ticket was purchased for me to attend a local charity's 'soup day'.

For every other day this Lenten season, I have eaten at home or at the office with leftovers. I've taken the opportunity to walk around downtown and have even, on one occasion, eaten quickly before walking with coworkers to a favorite lunch spot where I smelled but did not taste.

This may be the first Lenten season I've ever "successfully" kept my Lenten commitment. I leave with the opening sentences from today's Holy Week service I attended at a nearby Presbyterian Church

Leader: Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live to righteousness; by his wounds we have been healed. Let us bless the Lord.
People: The Lord's name be praised.