But I ate early, at home, by fixing up some leftovers. A little shredded Asian beef over white rice and some quickly sautéed spinach did the trick!
On another note, a Facebook conversation developed today with a friend -- it was prompted by my profile picture (my ashed forehead). A lot of people I know are great Christians, but aren't familiar with the traditions of the church simply because so many congregations don't incorporate church history and tradition into their services.
From my friend and I:
- Friend: This may sound strange but I thought Catholics were the only people who could participate in ash Wednesday or at least the ceremonies at the church? I don't have much background knowledge so any would be appreciated to clear up my confusion about your pic bc I didn't think you have converted to Catholicism since we last saw you all?!!! :)
- Me: Nope. First, still a Protestant. Most Protestant denominations practice the imposition of the ashes. I went to service at a Disciples of Christ church. As for Catholicism, any believer can receive ashes at a Catholic Church because the sashes are sacramentals but are not sacraments (the latter only Catholics can participate unless an exception is granted).
- Friend: Ok gotcha, I figured there was no conversion. However I didn't realize that Protestant denominations did the ashes. Thanks for clearing it up!!! I was def. confused :)