Dear Senator, As a member of the body of Christ, I am challenged to see theI am not going to use this blog to debate the legality of the Arizona bill. I am only trying to emphasize the concerns that people of faith like myself have with the legislation. What follows is part of a call to action, written by Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners:
"image of God" in all of my neighbors - regardless of legal status. My faith compels me to seek just action on both personal and public fronts. To that end, I ask that you enact legislation supporting comprehensive immigration reform this year.
Scripture tells me that I am to "seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly." Therefore, I can no longer be complicit in an immigration system that deprives individuals of their dignity, rights, and freedom.
I support legislation that prioritizes family unity, worker rights, and a path to citizenship for those currently living in the shadows. Don't forget - fixing our system so it works for all American families has the potential to add $1.5 trillion to our nation's eeconomy in the next ten years. What are we waiting for?
Senate Bill 1070 would require law enforcement officials in the state of Arizona to investigate someone’s immigration status if there is “reasonable suspicion” that the person might be undocumented. I wonder who that would be, and if anybody who doesn’t have brown skin will be investigated. Those without identification papers, even if they are legal, are subject to arrest; so don’t forget your wallet on your way to work if you are Hispanic in Arizona. You can also be arrested if you are stopped and are simply with people who are undocumented -- even if they are your family. Parents or children of “mixed-status families” (made up of legal and undocumented, as many immigrant families are out here) could be arrested if they are found together. You can be arrested if you are “transporting or harboring” undocumented people. Some might consider driving immigrant families to and from church to be Christian ministry -- but it will now be illegal in Arizona.Have we, as Americans, forgotten the words penned by Emma Lazarus and etched into the base of the Statue of Liberty? "Give me your tired, your poor..."
What would Jesus do?