This week (Jan. 18 - Jan. 25) is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (though, at 8 days it is actually an octave). Begun in 1908, the week begins with the Feast of the Confession of Peter and ends with the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. "Today, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity invites the whole Christian community throughout the world to pray in communion with the prayer of Jesus “that they all may be one” (John 17:21)."[GEII]
This period is a time for Christians to come together and together acknowledge the true target of worship: Jesus Christ, the Savior who transcends the chasm between God and sinner for all who Believe. The theme for the 2010 Week of Prayer is "You are Witnesses of These Things." (Luke 24:48). That is, all Believers are witnesses to the Glory of God and the Saving Power of Jesus (just as those present at the Apostles were present at the miracles and the Ascension).
Resources for US churches and Believers is available from the Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligous Institute. They introduce the 8 days as follows:
The Eight DaysThere are countless other resources available regarding Christian Unity, including the World Counsel of Churches and
During the 2010 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we will reflect each day on chapter 24 of Luke's gospel stopping at the questions which it asks: Jesus' questions to his disciples; the questions the apostles ask of Christ.
Each of these questions allows us to highlight a particular way of witnessing to the Risen One. Each of them invites us to think about our situation of church division and about how, concretely, we can remedy that. We are already witnesses and we need to become better witnesses. How?
By praising the One who gives us the gift of life and resurrection (Day 1);
By knowing how to share the story of our faith with others (Day 2);
By recognizing that God is at work in our lives (Day 3);
By giving thanks for the faith we have received (Day 4);
By confessing Christ's victory over all suffering (Day 5);
By seeking to always be more faithful to the Word of God (Day 6);
By growing in faith, hope and love (Day 7);
By offering hospitality and knowing how to receive it when it is offered to us (Day 8).
Would our witness not be more faithful to the gospel of Christ in each of these eight aspects if we witnessed together?