USA Today on Syncretism

Apparently, I am a mild syncretist. Though I had not heard the word before today, I learned USA Today about the mixing of often contradictory teachings in the creation of one's faith.

One example that really applied to me was my adoption of the eastern theory that spiritual energy exists in trees and in other inanimate objects (read: I can see God through creation). I also love to attend different Christian churches to get a stronger and wider interpretation of God's Word (according to the Pew Survey, 26% of regular church attendees engage in this practice).

The summation of the article also rings true: that we believe our own experiences are authentic, regardless of what authority might say. Do I believe the Bible when it says that "Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life?" Absolutely. But I also believe that God - and Jesus - can be experienced in ways consistent (and inconsistent) with the methods offered by many mainstream ministers and congregations.

Seek God. Love God. Love Others.