Being Outside

When indoors, you enjoy the benefits of recycled air and artificial light. When outdoors, however, the air is fresh (and hopefully the breeze is strong) and the light is au natural.

Yesterday, I spent a few hours picking weeds, pruning a tree and nursing my herb garden to life after a couple weeks of general neglect. The weather was perfect - slightly overcast with a lovely breeze and a high of 72. If I did not know better, I would have thought I were in San Diego.

Today is much the same as I have worked on personal finance issues on the back deck, under an umbrella. The soft breeze and cool temperature makes me know that autumn is here soon to come. Although many find spring to be the most peaceful season (abundance and newness of life), I have always looked to fall for solace.

The wonderful temperatures come after a hot summer and a season of football and holidays awaits. I find autumn to be incredibly peaceful - especially went spent outdoors. As I look to be at peace with myself, I can go outdoors and feel entirely at ease. Eight steps away - indoors in a big comfy chair - not so much. We all should spend more time outside - it would make us all better people.

Being connected to the earth and to our environment has become quite catchy over the past few years. "Eco" this and "green" that are the new hallmarks of society. But simply being outside - weeding or reading - and connecting with nature we can achieve a great internal peace and satisfaction.

So, get outside.